Sunday, January 31, 2016

Item. Rama and Sita in the film "A Little Princess"

Some of you may have encountered the story of Sita and Rama in the Alfonso Cuaron 1995 film version of A Little Princess. Here's the trailer:

Here is a clip of the opening part of the movie where you see Sara telling the story of Rama and Sita in her own way:

In this still from the opening scene, you can see that Sara has combined her vision of Rama with Krishna, another avatar of Vishnu; it is Krishna, not Rama, who plays the flute (bansuri):

Sara later tells more of the story to her English friends — it's like the story of Rama that you know, but simpler, and different too:

The evil Ravana locked the princess up in his tower.
There she stayed for many weeks ...
... just staring out her window ...
... missing her Prince Rama terribly.

Rama approached the thorny palace ...
... unaware that Ravana was waiting for him.
But Ravana was not through yet.
He took a bow that could hold, not one, but ten arrows ...
... each filled with poison.
The arrows sped through the air ...
... heading straight for Rama.
The arrows hit the ground ...
... and released their poison, giant clouds of thick, yellow smoke.

The smoke from Ravana's arrows ...
... finally began to lift. Rama lay dead on the ground. But then a wonderful thing happened. A gazelle laid down next to Rama, giving him his own life.

After Rama came back to life ...
... he raced towards the monster's palace to rescue Sita.

As this story is developed in the film, Rama stands for Sara's father, while Sara is the imprisoned princess, waiting for her father to rescue her.

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