ASHWATTHAMA is the son of Drona, and one of the main Kaurava warriors. He carries out the night raid on the Pandava camp at the end of the war. He is also one of the Chiranjivi.
Wikipedia: Ashwatthama
Mahabharata: Ashwatthama is one of the main characters of the epic, beginning with the incident as a child when his craving for milk prompted his father Drona to go to his old friend Drupada to ask for help. Later, the false report of his death (the elephant named "Ashwatthama") is what leads to his father's own death in the war. An Elephant called Ashwatthama
Kindle: Ashwatthama's Redemption : The Rise of Dandak by Gunjan Porwal ($2)
Bizzell: The Vengeance of Ashwatthama by Jason Quinn

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